Paracelsus – Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombast(us) von Hohenheim

Part One – His early life and career Bartholomew A Ochia The beginning of the sixteenth century ushered in an era of free thought, an epoch when people could express novel ideas and conceptions without fear of retribution from established authorities. The mental turpitude that characterised the Middle Ages  was being brushed aside with alacrity. […]

It is the daftest form of prejudice to be prejudicial against which one will oneself become” – Alex Comfort  

Bartholomew A Ochia 109 Hamilton Place, Aberdeen, AB15 5BD, Scotland We, as mortals, are subjected to biological ageing which is measured in terms of our previous lifestyles, and the effects of these lifestyles on the cellular processes which have occurred in our bodies. This biological ageing expresses itself in such changes as slow decline in […]